void Notify(string Message)
Brodcasts a local message onto your screen, with the Message [Message]
string HttpGet(string URL)
Sends a GET request to [URL] and returns the responce.
string setclipboard(string copy)
Copy's [copy] to your clipboard.
string encryptscript(string script)
Encrypts the script [script] with blowfish and returns the result as a string - Make sure to backup the script! once you have encrypted it, Asshurt7 will not give you back the decrypted script's source code. This is so the script can remain secure, and the script's source will remain protected.
void decryptscript(string encryptedscript)
Decrypt's [encryptedscript] and runs the decrypted code. This does not return the decrypted script. - Make sure to only run this on encrypted scripts from trusted sources! Script's that are encrypted can contain any code, which is encrypted and unable to be viewed. Encrypted script's can contain anything from troll code to malicious code. Execute encrypted scripts with caution! This does not mean you should not trust any encrypted scripts -- some authors may want there code to remain secure such as private game vulnerabilities or private code to prevent being stolen and modified.
void loadstring(string script)
Run's the script [script]. Example usage: loadstring("\112\114\105\110\116\40\34\104\105\34\41\10")() or loadstring("print('hi')")()
object GetObjects(string assetid)
load's a model into the game from the asset [assetid] . Can also be used for insertation of script's from models used with loadstring()()
void coutput(string Message)
print's [Message] to the Asshurt7 Console.