Created by Greenman#1559. This is not official documentation.
Last Updated: Nov. 10 2018
Update: This documentation is now old and is here for archival purposes.
The website isn’t there anymore. I just copied from the Visenya (roblox exploit) API documentation.
Cyber CW Thread
Update: Thread deleted so I will include my synopsis here.
Cyber started out as a shitty wrapper that costed $10 made by Pudding Mug. Shortly after release, it’s exposed for being skidded off of Axon. Jumping forward to “Cyber V3”, this is when I bought the exploit (I was stupid lol). I don’t know why but I was dickriding the exploit and was on the support team so I wrote these docs. The working Cyber I had was one of the most unstable and incomplete wrappers I’ve ever used. In the end, it turned out that Cyber was skidding off of ScriptWare.
Returns a table populated with the main Roblox thread environment
Table<Variant> getrenv(<None> nil)
Returns a table populated with the main Cyber thread environment
Table<Variant> getgenv(<None> nil)
Returns the metatable of passed object without invoking the __metatable metamethod
Table<Variant> getrawmetatable(Variant<Object> obj)
Sets an object’s metatable without invoking __metatable metamethod.
Table<Variant> setrawmetatable(Variant<Object> obj, Table<Variant>)
Sets the read-only property of ‘table’ according to the boolean ‘val’
None setreadonly(Table table, Boolean val)
Returns the readonly value of specified table
Boolean isreadonly(Table table)
Attempts to compile a function with the specified script
Variant<Function, (Nil, String)> loadstring(String src, String chunkName="@CyberChunk")
Attempts to compile and run a script given a file path. Will return nil and string error if exception occurs
Variant dofile(String path)
Copy specified data to clipboard
None setclipboard(String data)
This function no longer exists
Attempts to write data to file
None writefile(String fileName, String data)
Returns the value of the specified upvalue at the index
Variant getupvalue(Variant<Function undefined, int> index, String upvalueName)
Returns true if the upvalue at the specified index was found, and set. False otherwise.
Boolean setupvalue(Variant<Function undefined, int> idx, String upvalueName, Variant value)
Outputs a string to the Cyber console
None printconsole(String text)
Hides the Cyber console
None hideconsole(<None> nil)
Makes the Cyber console reappear after using hideconsole
None showconsole(<None> nil)
The standard Lua C lua_getglobal function
None getglobal (String globalname)
The standard Lua C lua_getfield function
None getfield(Variant<int> idx, String fieldname)
The standard Lua C lua_pushstring function
None pushstring(String string)
The standard Lua C lua_pushnumber function
None pushnumber(Variant<int> n)