table getrawmetatable(variant<table, userdata> obj)
Returns the metatable from a table or userdata, even if its locked.
boolean setrawmetatable(variant<table, userdata> obj, table val)
Sets the metatable of a table or userdata, even if its locked.
boolean isreadonly(table val)
Returns true if the table is read-only, false if it isn't.
boolean setreadonly(table tab, boolean readonly)
Sets the read-only flag of a table.
boolean printconsole(string val [, number r, number g, number b])
Prints val to Elysian's console with color r, g, b. Default color is 0, 0, 200.
boolean printdebug(string val)
Prints val to the console (View->Console->Toggle)
Instance... getobjects(string content)
Internal function used by DataModel::GetObjects (see init.lua)
string readfile(string filename)
Returns the contents of the file in the workspace folder
function loadfile(string filename)
Loads a file from the workspace folder. Returns nil and an error on error. Similar to calling loadstring(readfile(filename)).
table getgenv()
Returns the global environment for Elysian.
table getrenv()
Returns the game's scripts' global environment.
boolean Clipboard.set(string data)
Sets the clipboard to `data`.
void mouse1press()
Presses the left mouse button.
void mouse1release()
Releases the left mouse button.
void mouse1click([number delay])
Clicks the left mouse button with an optional delay in between. Delay default is ~0.03 seconds.
void mouse2press()
Presses the right mouse button.
void mouse2release()
Releases the right mouse button.
void mouse2click([number delay])
Clicks the right mouse button with an optional delay in between. Delay default is ~0.03 seconds.
void keypress(number virtualkey)
Presses key `virtualkey`. Use this for reference.
void keyrelease(number virtualkey)
Releases key `virtualkey`
void mousemoverel(number x, number y)
Moves the cursor relatively.
void mousescroll(number amount)
A positive number scrolls the mouse up and a negative number scrolls the mouse down. Use this for reference.
boolean writefile(string filename, string data [, boolean binary])
Writes `data` to a file in the workspace folder. Returns true if successful.
boolean saveinstance(string filename, Instance instance)
Saves an instance to a file in the workspace folder which can be later opened in Studio. NOTE: This function is currently disabled.
string decompile(variant<Instance, function> script [, string option])
Attempts to decompile `script` and returns the result. If `option` is provided and equal to "dump", lua bytecode will be returned (similar to string.dump). It should be noted that due to Roblox's changes to Lua's VM and parser this bytecode is not reliable to use with other decompilers, i.e. unluac. Returns nil and an error message on error.
boolean checkcaller()
Returns true if the function calling the function calling checkcaller is an Elysian function.
boolean setfflag(string fflag, string value)
Sets an FFlag's value. Returns true if the flag was set succesfully or false if the flag doesn't exist. For more information on FFlag's and how to retrieve their values, see:
table getreg()
Returns Lua's registry (LUA_REGISTRYINDEX).
table getnilinstances()
Returns a list of nil instances.
void elysianexecute(string script [, Instance localscript])
Equivalent to executing a script through Elysian's interface (pressing the execute button, etc). If 'localscript' is provided, the script will be binded/linked to that instance. If not present, a new LocalScript will be created.