#Original Thread
Convert this to a proper page one day


[NH] = The function/value/table is not hidden.
[B] = The function/value/table is/might be broken/not working/crashy.
[A] = The function/value/table is hidden due to being a simple alias for comatibility. (eg. getmenv)
[PS] = The function/value/table is from ProtoSmasher.
[SH] = The function/value/table is from SirHurt.
[NR] = The function/value/table is not recommanded to be used.
[?] = The explination is/might not be accurate/wrong/not complete/missing.

Extra Info:

= no argument/s
??? = unknown arguments
<...> = any arguments allowed
= "o" can be anything (o comes from "object")

3dsboy08 - creating Synapse X (lol) + explination contribuitor
randomrobloxian (Stefan#6965) - idea,almost everything
Kiriot22 - explination contribuitor
webo - explination contribuitor


FUNCTION setnonreplicatedproperty(, prop's name) - [NH] [NR] [B] (set's an instance's proprety to not replicate to the server; good for bypassing anticheats)
FUNCTION isluau() - (returns true if the game is running lua u, false if not)
FUNCTION getmenv( ModuleScript) - [A] (returns the env of a ModuleScript)
FUNCTION firesignal( Event,<...>) - [B] (fires a signal, and i hope that defcon will make it possible to pass the "<...>" arguments to it)
FUNCTION makefolder( folder name) - (creates a folder inside Synapse X's "workspace" folder)
FUNCTION is_synapse_function() - (checks if the function is a synapse function)
FUNCTION is_protosmasher_caller() - [A] [PS] (alias for checkcaller)
FUNCTION replaceclosure(,) - [NR] [PS] (replaces closure A with closure B)
FUNCTION getinstancefromstate() - (returns the instnace/script that runs the thread;if the script is made by Synapse X it will return nil)
FUNCTION validfgwindow() - (checks if roblox is the foreground window or not)
FUNCTION getstates() - [?] (returns all states)
FUNCTION get_instances() - [A] [PS] (alias for getinstances)
FUNCTION setrawmetatable(, metatable) - [A] (sets the metatable of to the given table)
FUNCTION get_nil_instances() - [A] [PS] (alias for getnilinstances)
FUNCTION getnamecallmethod() - (when called in a function assigned to __namecall, it will get the method; works only on lua u games)
FUNCTION setnamecallmethod(,) - (when called in a function assigned to __namecall, it will set the method to ; works only on lua u games)
FUNCTION gbmt() - [A] (returns the original metatable of the game)
FUNCTION XPROTECT() - [SH] (runs a SirHurt only script)
FUNCTION getconstants() - [A] (alias for debug.getconstants)
FUNCTION hookfunc( F1, F2) - [A] (alias for hookfunction)
FUNCTION get_calling_script() - [A] [PS] (alias for getcallingscript)
FUNCTION get_scripts() - [A] [PS] (alias for getscripts)
FUNCTION make_readonly(
) - [A] [PS] (alias for setreadonly)
FUNCTION getstack(, index) - [A] (alias for debug.getstack)
FUNCTION setstack( stackpos, index, value) - [A] (alias for debug.setstack)
FUNCTION get_loaded_modules() - [A] [PS] (alias for getloadedmodules)
FUNCTION unlockmodulescript( ModuleScript) - [A] [PS] (unlocks the ModuleScript given)
FUNCTION getupvalue( func/stack, upvalue name) -
FUNCTION printconsole() - [NR] (forces a print inside Synapse X Internal UI's console even if output redirection is disabled; unlike print, the function will error if no argument is provided)
FUNCTION htgetf( url, data,<...>) - [A] (alias for game.HttpGet/syn.request)
FUNCTION is_lclosure() - (checks if is a lclosure)
FUNCTION mousemoveabs( x, y) - (moves the mouse to the given pos)
FUNCTION getstateenv() - (returns the env of a thread; thread must be from getstates)
FUNCTION setupvalue( func/stack, upvalue name, upvalue value) - [A] (alias for debug.setupvalue)
FUNCTION getcallstack() - (gets the caller's stack)
FUNCTION getinfo(,) - [A] (alias for debug.getinfo)
FUNCTION is_protosmasher_closure() - [A] [PS] (checks if the closure is an exploit's closure)
FUNCTION getpointerfromstate() - [?] [B] (if u dont give it a state, it crashes)
FUNCTION getpropvalue(, prop name) - (attempts to index and return the value of "" inside "" without invoking any metamethods)
FUNCTION getupvalues( func/stack) - [A] (alias for debug.getupvalues)
FUNCTION rconsoleclear() - (clears the console)
FUNCTION getlocals( stack) - [A] [B] (alias for debug.getlocals)
FUNCTION is_redirection_enabled() - [?]
FUNCTION setpropvalue(, prop name, new value) - (attempts to index and set the value of "" inside "" to "new value" without invoking any metamethods)
FUNCTION setlocal( stack) - [A] [B] (alias for debug.setlocal)
FUNCTION make_writeable(
) - [A] [PS] (alias for setreadonly)
VALUE _VERSION - (returns the current Lua version)
TABLE syn - [NH] {
TABLE crypto - [NR] [A] (the whole thing is an alias for syn.crypt) {
FUNCTION encrypt( data, key) - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.encrypt)
FUNCTION decrypt( data, key) - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.decrypt)
FUNCTION derive(,) - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.derive)
FUNCTION random() - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.random)
FUNCTION hash() - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.hash)
TABLE custom - {
FUNCTION decrypt(,,,) - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.custom.decrypt)
FUNCTION encrypt(,,,) - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.custom.encrypt)
FUNCTION hash(,) - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.custom.hash)
TABLE base64 - {
FUNCTION encode() - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.base64.encode)
FUNCTION decode() - [A] (alias for syn.crypt.base64.decode)
TABLE crypt [NH] - {
FUNCTION random() - [?]
FUNCTION derive(,) - [?]
TABLE custom - {
FUNCTION decrypt(,,,) - [?]
FUNCTION encrypt(,,,) - [?]
FUNCTION hash(,) - [?]
FUNCTION request( url, data,<...>) - [A] (alias for game.HttpPost/game.HttpPostAsync)
FUNCTION run_secure_function() - (used to run a Synapse X only script)
FUNCTION create_secure_function(,) - (used to create a Synapse X only script; ████████████████████████)
FUNCTION is_beta() - (returns true if Synapse X is using beta mode, false if not)
TABLE debug - [NH] {
FUNCTION getstack(, index) - (returns the stack for the function; put "index" for a single value)
FUNCTION setstack( stackpos, index, value) - (sets stack at "stackpos" with "index" to "value")
FUNCTION setupvaluename() - (sets an upvalue's name)
FUNCTION getprotos() - (returns all protos)
FUNCTION getproto(, index, activated) - (returns a specific proto)
FUNCTION setproto(, index,,) - (sets a specific proto)
TABLE bit32 - (some lua thing, not going to doc it since it has a lot of stuff, if you want to know more about it, search on lua.org)
TABLE Drawing - [?] (ProtoSmasher's Drawing API) {
FUNCTION new( ClassName) - (creates a new DrawObject based on the given class name and returns it)
TABLE Fonts - [?] (this has more weird shit, not going to doc it)
TABLE game [NH] - {
FUNCTION HttpGetAsync( url) [A] - (alias for game.HttpGet)
FUNCTION HttpGet( url) - (returns "data" from site "url"; it is recommanded that "http://" or "https://" is used)
FUNCTION HttpPost( url, data,<...>) - [B] [NR] (sends "data" to the site "url"; it is recommanded that "http://" or "https://" is used)
FUNCTION HttpPostAsync( url, data,<...>) - (the fixed version of HttpPost; it is recommanded that "http://" or "https://" is used)