

table debug.getregistry(<none>)

Returns the registry table.


void debug.setmetatable(Variant object, table mt)

Sets the metatable for the given object to the given table. (mt can be nil)


table debug.getfenv(Variant object)


Variant debug.setfenv(Variant object, table env)

Sets the environment of the given object, returns object.


table debug.getmetatable(Variant object)

Returns the metatable of given object. (functions exactly like getrawmetatable)


variant debug.getupvalue(Variant<int, function> container, string upvalName)

Returns the value of a upvalue from the selected container based on the name.


table<variant> debug.getupvalues(Variant<int, function> container)

Returns a table of all upvalues from the selected container.


variant debug.setupvalue(Variant<int, function> container, string upvalName, Variant value)

Sets the value of the upvalue from the selected container based on the name. Returns boolean based on whether the upvalue was set successfully or not.


table<variant> debug.getconstants(Variant<int, function> f)

Return's the constants of the given function. Function must be a lua function.


void debug.setconstant(function f, int index, variant val)

Set's the constant at the given index for the given function. Index's are 1-based. Function must be a lua function.


userdata debug.upvalueid(function f, int n)

Returns an unique identifier (as a light userdata) for the upvalue numbered n from the given function. These unique identifiers allow a program to check whether different closures share upvalues. Lua closures that share an upvalue (that is, that access a same external local variable) will return identical ids for those upvalue indices.


void debug.upvaluejoin(function f1, int n1, function f2, int n2)

Make the n1-th upvalue of the Lua closure f1 refer to the n2-th upvalue of the Lua closure f2.


string debug.upvaluename(function f, int n)

Returns the name for the upvalue numbered n from the given function. Will return an empty string on C closures.